Welcome to ACHC Office-Based Surgery Accreditation

Let Us Help You Demonstrate Excellence With Ease

Unlocking the Future of Convenient and Safe Procedures

Discover a provider-focused office-based surgery accreditation process designed to promote a trusted and secure environment for medical procedures — an environment that ensures a comfortable and efficient experience for patients.

Reasons Customers Trust Us

Experience as a long-standing accreditor

Our programs for procedural care have been developed from the nation’s first healthcare accreditation program, and we have been reviewing quality in healthcare settings since 1945.

Added value of collaboration and education

We offer resources that help you keep your facility and your staff current with best practices for infection control and business efficiencies.

Expertise in meeting states’ requirements

States are increasingly requiring accreditation for any healthcare setting performing procedures that require patient sedation. We know how to work with each state.

Connect With Our Team

Ready to start your accreditation journey or just need your questions answered? Reach out to our team. We’re here to assist you every step of the way.

Experience the ACHC Difference

ACHC is dedicated to meeting your needs. Contact us today for more information. Call (855) 937-2242, ext. 458, or email [email protected].